Is auto insurance needed when buying a brand new car? Actually, it is not necessary when buying a brand new car, but it is necessary in order to drive it home. Car dealers wouldn’t allow a person to drive the car out of the dealer’s lot without having proper auto insurance.
After knowing what car to buy, one should remember to call his or her insurance agent, in order to provide the information, especially regarding the car. Once all questions are answered and necessary information is given, the car would be added to the person’s current insurance policy.
When at the car dealership and if one wants to bring home the car after buying it, it is wise to call the agent right away. The agent will ask information over the phone and a wise person should give them right away. The agent will then provide an “insurance binder”. An insurance binder is effective right away and this serves as a temporary insurance policy until the car is added to the current insurance policy.
In some cases where a person has no insurance agent, car dealership may refer one. Problem is, this insurance agent will not entertain the person on the phone. Referred agents would require the client to personally visit them in order to provide information, fill out application forms and provide monetary deposit. Thus, it is important to have an insurance agent before buying a car. It would be even better to consider is costco car insurance good.
Car insurance is an important thing. Driving a car without insurance can lead to legal and financial problems, particularly if accidents occur. If the car cannot be insured immediately, then leave it for a while at the dealership. Pick it up after filing proper auto insurance.